Aquality has considerable expertise in wetland restoration and treatment wetland design. Our biological team has been involved in innovative projects including design of the City of Edmonton's Kennedale Constructed Wetland Stormwater Treatment Facility (Emerald Award Nomination Recipient, 2010). We have also completed numerous wetland assessments for industry and land development clients over the past twenty years, and have provided technical expertise in wetland policy development for several municipalities. Aquality staff are involved with stakeholder committees to keep our environmental policy knowledge up-to-date.
Some of the services we offer include:
Permitting and regulatory applications
WAIR (Wetland Assessment and Impact Reporting)
WAIF (Wetland Assessment and Impact Form)
Wetland delineation
Wetland basin permanence assessments
ABWRET-A (Alberta Wetland Rapid Evaluation Tool) assessment
GIS Mapping
Wetland impact assessments
Wetland compensation plans
Wetland inventories
Wetland restoration
Constructed wetlands for water treatment
Soil assessments
Wetland policy and implementation plan development
Literature reviews and database research
Wetland Policy courses for Environmental Professionals